
Astrology Readings

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Astrology Readings  – An  Analysis of your Individual Horoscope including insights on the best supported time periods for any life endeavor.


For success in any Human endeavor, it’s extremely important to put in the required effort. However, often we find that although putting the required dedicated effort, outcomes are not as expected. We have all experienced several times that tasks that took little to no effort have given back more than expected outcomes (e.g. Our interest may be somewhere else, while we achieve success in a domain other than our interest much later in life), when compared to other tasks or activities performed where so much more time and effort was put in with less results.  No one can deny the need of that little edge and support, what we often call the “luck” factor, which in reality is nothing but knowing our destiny.

True luck is about alignment with what is “in store” and “destined” for that time period, and time periods change. It is really about knowing what to do when , at the right time which is fertile to reap the desired benefits for the best possible optimal outcomes. Based on the analysis of your individual birth chart, there are specific time periods that favor specific activities. To add, transiting ruler planets have a key influence for the success of any task / activity, when done within a specific time period.  The unique priceless insight based on your birth chart, coupled with genuine effort to study, becomes a potent combination for success.

Know your best supporting time period supported by your individual birth chart for success. Once you purchase this service you  would get to download a form, fill it with your information and submit it via email to us. Based on the information submitted your birth chart will be constructed and analyzed in detail for the best time periods supporting your success. This would also include specific insights like  best supported directions to face/sit while studying for any exam and likewise best  type of profession for you, how to financially grow, directions for  professional / financial growth that supports your unique success.  You can gear not just your Certification study plan and career accordingly but various other aspects of life like knowing the vulnerable areas on health and how to proactively be taking care of it and/or improve it, areas of financial investment that gives you best returns, best supporting periods for relationships / marriage, how to improve your love life etc. Armed with this priceless insight and divine knowledge  about yourself, you are better positioned to positively know and improve various aspects of your life !  An honest endeavor to help you with a successful life experience.


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